
Fit Body Guides Review: The First 4 Weeks [FBG]

November 7, 2016

FBG stands for “Fit Body Guides” and the FBG is a 12-week exercise guide that features circuit style workouts as well as cardio and ab workouts.. It was created by personal trainer Anna Victoria, who I learned about last year. I have currently completed the first four weeks (phase 1) and decided it was high time to give you all a quick review of my thoughts. 

FBG: Fit Body Guides by Anna Victoria

I first learned about Anna Victoria and her fit body guides sometime earlier this year. It was funny, I remember finding her Instagram and being blown away by her huge following. I couldn’t believe that I hadn’t found her sooner! I scrolled through her Instagram and quickly learned that she had released some sort of guide which was giving women amazing results.

At the time, I was doing the Progress Pure Curve Guide (you can read my review here) and kind of forgot about the FBG, shelving it away in the back of my head. A couple months ago, a member of Anna’s team reached out to me, asking if I wanted to try the guides. I couldn’t believe my luck! I had been dying to try it after going through several other workout guides, and was really excited to try it.


Now rest assured, I am not being paid to do or say anything. I simply agreed to try the FBG out and to share my thoughts, negative or positive alike. And so far, I have to say that I really like them! 

Is FBG Similar To BBG?

A few women have asked me if they are similar, and I remember asking this question myself to some #FBGcommunity members. While both have a focus on circuit training, the FBG does have a different focus to the BBG. The BBG (bikini body guides by Kayla Itsines) focus more on explosive, plyometric moves while the FBG incorporates more strength training type workouts with the odd explosive move here and there. The FBG also incorporates specific back and butt work which is definitely missing from the BBG.

How is FBG laid out?

There are 3 phases to the fit body guides which last 4 weeks each. Every week, you are expected to do 3-strength training workouts and 3 cardio sessions + ab workouts. Unlike the BBG, the FBG circuits are not timed. Instead, you have 3 sets of 3 exercises, and you have to do a certain number of reps for each exercises. It typically takes me 25-35 minutes depending on rest time. Each cardio session is 30 minutes long. The ab workouts, which you do on cardio day, are 2 sets of 3 exercises. I find them really, really hard and they take me anywhere from 15-20 minutes. They buuuurn, guys.

  • During phase 1, the first 4 weeks, you do LISS (low intensity steady state) cardio
  • During phase 2, weeks 5-8, you do MISS (medium intensity state) cardio
  • During phase 3, the last phase and weeks 9-12, you do HIIT (high intensity interval training) cardio

Is there a meal plan?

Yep, there is indeed a meal plan guide you can follow as well as a vegetarian one. To be honest, I haven’t been following it 100%, but I have looked to it for meal inspiration. Anna provides you with a 12-week meal plan and it’s definitely a useful tool if you’re not confident about your eating patterns. She even gives you a way to calculate your macros, which as you all know, is what I think works


So far, the FBG is honestly fitness approved! I’ve been finding it really fun and a nice change of pace from more traditional weight-lifting workouts. Wish me luck for the next 8-weeks … I will be sure to write a full review once I am done. By the time I am finished, I will be in Thailand and will hopefully be feeling confident and strong 🙂

Let me know if you have any additional questions about the Fit Body Guides. If you do decide to buy it, you can enter in my code (honestlyfitness) at checkout and receive a 10% discount 🙂 I would love for you to join me, and remember, I am here to help you!

Honestly yours,

Thank you for all of your support! For more Honestly Fitness, check out my InstagramFacebookTwitter & Pinterest and don’t forget to subscribe!

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