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chia jam

Friday Fare, Health

Blueberry Honey Chia Jam

September 6, 2014

Sounds cool right? I have been eating this blueberry honey chia jam for a few weeks now and I absolutely love it! I adapted My Whole Food Life’s recipe and used honey instead of maple syrup, although at first I did test it out with sugar-free maple syrup (from Nature’s Hollow). I personally did not find it as sweet as I would like it to be so I used honey the next time round and it came out perfectly to my taste 🙂

Blueberry Honey chia jam

So what makes this blueberry honey chia jam special? Most commercial varieties, such as Smuckers, tend to use sugar sources such as high fructose corn syrup or just plain old white sugar. I love using honey as a sweetener because not only does it have a fantastic and thick texture, it also contains a variety of minerals and chemicals.

This jam also contains chia seeds (my loves) which are a rich source of fiber, protein, healthy fats (omega-3s), vitamins and minerals. Because of their high fiber and protein content, I have found that chia seeds help keep me fuller for longer. Another bonus (like we need more) is that they are low in calories; 1 tablespoon is roughly around 60 calories!

Blueberry Honey Chia Jam

Anyway, point being is that I loooove this jam! It is yummy, filling and super healthy. Plus, it is a fantastic way to use up any fruit which you think may go off soon. I had a BUNCH of blueberries and was panicking about how I was going to finish them, and so the discovery of chia jam was a blessing.

Blueberry Honey Chia Jam Recipe

Blueberry Honey Chia Jam

Alice Williams
A delicious and healthy way to make jam that is full of fiber!


  • 2 cups bluberries
  • 2-3 tbsp honey
  • 1/4 cup chia seeds


  • Blend all of the ingredients together in a food processor
  • Transfer to a jam jar or equivalent container and then leave in the fridge overnight to thicken and set


Adapted from My Whole Food Life

Feel free to substitute in different fruits, and if you do let me know how they turn out!

 Hope you enjoyed this week’s edition of Friday Fare! Please remember to subscribe to Honestly Fitness if you enjoy my blog posts and please share the posts and recipes with your friends and families. This chia jam is sure to be a winner with everyone!

Honestly yours,

Health, Products I love, Recipes

18 Yummy and Healthy Toppings For GG Crackers

November 18, 2018

You’ve probably seen me posting about GG crackers on my Instagram and wondered what the deal was with them. Well, it’s all got to do with the F-Factor diet which I’ve been following for over 6-months now. It’s really more of a lifestyle than a diet at this point. At it’s heart, the F-Factor lifestyle is about eating foods rich in fiber. And this is where GG crackers come in.

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Friday Fare

Perfect Four Ingredient Pancakes

January 30, 2017

National Blueberry Pancake Day gave me the perfect excuse to make some pancakes! I stumbled across this four ingredient pancake recipe almost by accident. I was originally trying to follow a recipe out of one of my cookbooks but of course I forgot one of the key ingredients, so I decided it couldn’t hurt to experiment a little. And voila, my Honestly Fitness perfect four ingredient pancakes were born!!

How to make easy, delicious pancakes

The beauty about these perfect four ingredient pancakes recipe is that despite the fact that they are very filling, they digest really easily and are high in both protein and fiber. The pancakes also hold their shape together extremely well when being cooked so you don’t end up with these weird sloppy pancakes that so many healthy pancake recipes seem to turn into. This recipe is made from whole foods and is devoid of any protein powders or binding agents. It is also extremely tasty and pleasing to the eye!

Perfect Four Ingredient Pancakes

Perfect Four Ingredient Pancakes

Alice Williams
A delicious and healthy pancake made with only 4 ingredients.
Servings 1


  • 1 tub plain non-fat Greek Yogurt I used Stonyfield
  • 1 whole egg and 1 egg white
  • 1/2 cup rolled oats soaked overnight <--- this is important!
  • 1 tsp chia seeds
  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup blueberries
  • Optional
  • Honey
  • Maple Syrup
  • Honestly Fitness Blueberry Chia Jam
  • More fruit!


  • Soak your rolled oats overnight either in some water or some milk. I soaked mine in 2% milk.
  • Now that you have soaked your rolled oats, simply combine the above ingredients (minus the blueberries) in a food processor until smooth.
  • Heat your frying pan and add a small amount of coconut oil or butter.
  • Pour about 1/3 of the mixture into the pan and let it cook for approximately 2-3 minutes before flipping it over and waiting for an equal amount of time.
  • Repeat until the rest of the batter is all used up.
  • Serve with blueberries on top and honey,maple syrup, or my easy blueberry chia jam if you wish!


Will make 2 big pancakes or 3-4 small ones.
Chia seeds are not necessary and can be omitted. I like to add them for their health properties and texture.
Perfect Four Ingredient Pancakes


Perfect Four Ingredient Pancakes

And there you have it! So easy and will please even the fussiest of eaters. If you do end up trying out my recipe, please leave a comment below and let me hear what you thought about it! Alternatively, you can post a photo on any social media account, tag me (@honestlyfitness) and hashtag it with #HF4pancakes.

What are your favorite pancake toppings?

Honestly yours,

Thank you for always supporting me! For more Honestly Fitness, check out my InstagramFacebookTwitter & Pinterest.